So apparently that grad student is not mad at me, because today he was all friendly, and it sounds like he just didn't see me on the bus. Makes sense, since I was bundled up so much that a few years ago a college kid hit on me when I was wearing basically the same ensemble. Hit on ME. So obviously nobody can tell what I look like under all those layers.
I meant to blog about this yesterday but got distracted: yesterday we had our second meeting of FART 5, the Humanities financial specialists, and it made me realize how much I already like a lot of the people in the group. There's my colleague, of course, who did get a promotion so she will be one of the higher-level people in the FART (she requested to be in FART 5), and the guy from Jewish Studies who has commiserated with me several times about this whole FART deal, and the Hibernian guy from, I want to say History, who sent me an amazing document to use when asking visiting speakers for the information we need to pay them. One person who has been missing from both meetings is my colleague from French and Italian, or as everyone calls it, FRIT. My colleague that I walk with was puzzled by this, and I have no answers, but she does have supervisory experience so maybe she actually got the job of being the supervisor of the FART. That would be good news for me, because she always thought my previous boss had served me badly, so she would be even more likely to fight for my promotion than my current boss. Maybe I am too much of an optimist (believe me, I've been told that many times), but it's possible this FART thing won't be so bad after all, and it kind of already existed in embryonic form because we have all been asking each other for advice for a while now.
My natural optimism is having a hard time finding anything good about the incoming administration. I see the Evil Orange Thing is already claiming credit for the peace deal that our current president worked out with the Israelis and Palestinians. His totally immature "Heads I win, tails you lose" act of taking credit for every good thing, no matter how little it had to do with him, and evading the blame for every bad thing, no matter how much it had to do with him, is so stupid and juvenile, but people believe it! I have heard people ask in all seriousness why Obama didn't do anything about the pandemic. Then again, I have heard people ask in all seriousness why Obama didn't do anything about September 11. Remember, half of all people are below average. I have seen people explain how they want to get rid of Obamacare, and when the interviewer asks why, when they are using it themselves, and then they say, "No, I'm on Trumpcare." Guess what? Trump doesn't care. He only cares about his billionaire buddies. The thing that made me laugh hardest today was when someone posted about how EOT wants to take over Hollywood so he has created a commission of three hard-right actors to help him, and a commenter said, "Ka-ching! I can already hear the price of eggs going down!" Yeah, for someone who wants to make government smaller, he sure is doing some weird things, like creating the External Revenue Service to collect tariffs, when we already have Customs to collect tariffs. All of us little people, including the MAGAts, are going to suffer because of all this incompetence, but I'm sure they'll find a way to blame it on Democrats, who control not one branch of the Federal Government at the moment. Still trying to work out where we can move to that EOT hasn't decided to invade yet...
Tuesday night I had a long call with my former neighbor, the one I used to walk with, and she said the video of the train in Seattle wasn't filmed from the Space Needle like I'd thought. She said it was from a ferry, and I said, "It seems kind of high up for a ferry," so she thought about it and said, "It was from the 11th deck of a cruise ship." Now that makes sense - some of those cruise ships are as high as tall buildings. Anyway, knowing the video was taken from a boat just makes me love it more.
Famous Hat