Monday, November 3, 2008

Stickers I've Bumped Into

Here are some random bumper stickers I've seen and my commentary on them. First the ones I love:

"Some people who plan to repent at the 11th hour die at 10:45." Ain't it the truth!

"My boss is a Jewish carpenter." Get in good with him, and his old man will love you too.

"Where am I going, and why am I in a handbasket?" A question many of us should ask ourselves.

"Pro-accordion... and I vote!" This one is so random that you have to love it.

And here are some either illogical or offensive ones:

"Opposed to abortion? Don't have one!" Opposed to slavery? Don't own slaves! There are some human rights questions so basic that society has an overwhelming interest in overriding the opinions of the individual. It is always wrong to own other people, and it is always wrong to kill except in extreme cases of self-defense. (Invading other countries pre-emptively does not constitute self-defense, as both recent Popes have attested.)

"If you can't trust me with a choice, how can you trust me with a child?" False dichotomy. What about adoption?

"Get your rosaries out of my ovaries!" This one is so disgusting - it makes me feel like they consider women nothing but their reproductive organs - not to mention the religious bigotry. Can you imagine a bumper sticker that starts "Get your yarmulkes.." or "Get your turbans.."? Proof that anti-Catholicism is still a socially accepted prejudice.

Any mean-spirited spoof on the Christian fish, like a shark, a fish skeleton, a Darwin fish with feet (as if no Christians accept the theory of evolution), etc. See above. If any other religion were skewered in this way, the driver of the car would probably be arrested.

Famous Hat

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