Thursday, November 5, 2009

Meeting Minutes

Sorry - it was a VERY busy day today. I was in meetings practically all day, even during what is *supposed* to be my lunch time. Just to prove it, I am posting the minutes I took during the Education Committee meeting, with incriminating evidence removed to protect the guilty.

Isn't that informative? We were in the tropics with live music, just a few clouds, and a unicorn. It was so sunny that the sun had to wear shades! Then a spider came along. The End. Don't you wish you had such interesting meetings to take notes for? This is what happens when a person doesn't get enough caffeine. Remember, friends don't let friends take notes while not under the influence of coffee! You can see the ugly results for yourself.

Famous Hat


Hardingfele and Plysj said...

Well it this was a 12:30 meeting, ya think they would have had FOOD there??? I love the art.

Famous Hat said...

This was a brown bag. I always think those are the ultimate insult. "Yeah, we're going to use up your lunch hour, but you have to bring your own food."

WV: oninki - a pig speaking in Pig Latin.