Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bedroom Post

Welcome to my bedroom. When I look up in bed, this is what I see: a painting of the Grand Tetons. I have no idea who did this painting; a friend gave it to me when she moved out of town.

When I look down at my feet, this is what I see: my new pedicure! Perhaps my new career should involve painting nails.

When I turn off the lights, this is what I see: a glowing duck beak! I bought one at our local college league baseball game. If you blow into it, it makes a sound approximating a duck quack. I bought Anna Banana II one too, for her birthday. We went to the game with A-Joz and the Fabulous Jackie O, and we sat in the box seats, which came from Wrigley Field. We got free food and three free beers. Guinness counted for free beer!

I also see two of the Undersea Players glowing, but my attempts at photographing them were not terribly successful. This is probably the best example. You can see Tony Abalone fairly well, and to the right Canada the Crab is glowing faintly.

If you leave my bedroom and go out onto my balcony, you would see my new orchid. Isn't it lovely?

Famous Hat


Hardingfele and Plysj said...

The orchid is very beautiful, never seen such a color before.

Famous Hat said...

My two other orchid plants appear to be growing flower stalks as well, so hopefully I can soon post photos of them too.