Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Comparative Religion: Monotheism vs. Moneytheism

Our esteemed governor and his cronies keep trumpeting about how God is on their side. Does this concern me? Not particularly, because I don’t want God on my side, I want to be on His side, if you see what I’m saying. Also, while the esteemed governor and I may both say that we are “Christians,” I feel that we are in fact members of two different religions: I am a monotheist and he is a moneytheist. I will illustrate the differences:


Monotheists believe in one God.

Moneytheists believe money is God.


Monotheists believe unions are not inherently good or evil, but of course they can behave either way. Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI have both said that workers have a basic right to unionize. Withholding just wages from the worker is one of the seven sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance.

Moneytheists believe unions are inherently evil because they try to siphon money away from the good (rich) people and give it to the evil (poor) people.

The Poor

Monotheists believe God loves the poor, as illustrated in the Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man and the Beatitudes.

Moneytheists believe the poor are evil. If they were good, they would be rich.

The Environment

Monotheists believe we are stewards of God’s creation, called to take care of it.

Moneytheists believe the environment is there for them to exploit for money.

The Rich

Monotheists do not believe the rich are inherently evil, since they can use their wealth in positive ways. However, as Jesus said, it is more difficult for them to get into Heaven than for a rope to pass through the eye of a needle. (Yes, that is the correct translation, so just forget all that camel nonsense and the further malarkey claiming that the Eye of the Needle is some gate into Jerusalem that a camel can get through if it kneels.)

Moneytheists believe the rich are good. If they were evil, they would be poor.

So you can see why I can believe in God and so can our esteemed governor, when we believe such radically different things – we just worship different Gods, that’s all.

Famous Hat

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