Monday, November 4, 2013

My Not Boring Weekend

I hope my readers had a good weekend. Friday Travalon and I went to the East Side Club for their fish fry, and the people at the next table were talking about their hard lives deciding between going skiing and to the tropics. Saturday Travalon had to work and Richard Bonomo had a birthday party to go to, so I figured I’d be cleaning my house all day. In the morning I did meet up with Luxuli and Jilly Moose for coffee, then we drove to the abortion mill to pray the rosary, only we prayed most of it in the car on the way there and then talked to the people who were there for 40 Days for Life. We finished the rosary in the car on the way back, then Jilly Moose and I went to a Mexican restaurant for lunch, and the Badger game was on so we watched that too. After a little while Luxuli joined us, then another woman I know came into the restaurant, so she joined us, and then Mr. Luxuli joined us. Our waiter must have thought we were nuts! The other woman and I went to Confession, then I drove to Rich’s house, where Catzooks was making taco salads for him, Kathbert, and me. Then she and Rich left, and Kathbert and I ended up blatting until we thought Rich should have been long since home, so we called his cell phone and said, “Your wives are wondering where you are!” He laughed and came home, and right after that Catzooks returned with her boyfriend and a whole bunch of crackers and cheese left over from a wine tasting party. We talked until really late, so my “boring” day with nothing to do turned out to be very busy.

Yesterday after church I drove to Travalon’s house and we had lunch with his mother, then he and I took Rodney the Poodle to the dog park. We hiked in the woods on a really hilly trail, so hopefully that worked off some of lunch. It was a very autumnal scene in the woods, with all the colorful leaves and a flock of geese flying overhead from the nearby lake. When I mentioned how autumnal it was, Travalon said I should blog about it, so I am. I wondered if Rodney enjoyed going up and down all those hills or if he hated it. Don’t you often wonder what animals are thinking about? Probably not much… but to be fair, that’s true of a lot of people, too. In the evening I went to a wonderful concert: the St. Thomas Boys’ Choir from Germany, which is 801 years old, was on their first US tour, and they stopped at the Lutheran church where I sing. They did a program of all Bach and Vivaldi, although they did do Mendelssohn for one of their encores. (Bach for the other one.) Afterwards we convened at Rich’s house, and Luxuli said it was the event of the year. She, her husband, Kathbert, and I stayed at Rich’s way too late, so today I am tired. Of course I’ll be staying up late again tonight, to watch the Packers beat the Bears, so tomorrow I will be even more tired. If I'm face-down in my coffee, you'll know why.

Famous Hat


Travalon said...

The dog park we walked with Rodney at( where he and I are regulars- several times a week ) and the woods where we took our very "Autumnal" hike are part of Nashotah County Park- about 5 miles east of Oconomowoc.

Famous Hat said...

Lots of very cute dogs in the Small Breed area.