Monday, June 9, 2014

Casual Wedding

I am afraid my blog posts are going to seem very boring now that they’re not about Ireland. I’ll try to intersperse photos of Ireland with other random posts, like this one about the wedding Travalon and I went to this weekend. It was supposed to go from 3:00 to 3:10, so we hurried to get there, not wanting to miss the brief ceremony. However, once we got there, all we found was a bunch of people in all sorts of outfits (the invitation said “casual”) milling around and drinking. The wedding didn’t happen for another hour or so, and then it was as short as advertised. Most of the time was taken up with long, elaborate vows that the couple probably wrote themselves. Then we ate, and dinner included a whole roasted pig and the “cake” made of cupcakes. We mostly talked to people Travalon knew from high school, and they were all saying how they never expected to be at this guy’s wedding all these years later because in high school they didn’t really talk to each other. But that’s the wonder of MyFace – bringing people together who had no interest in each other two decades ago.

The other big news in our lives is that Travalon and I are in the process of moving into our new condo. Kathbert and Richard Bonomo helped us move some stuff into it yesterday, and Kathbert took the opportunity to sneak in a couple of light-up rubber duckies and leave them by the side of our hot tub. Then Travalon and I went paddle boating for an hour on Lake Wingra before showing some pictures of Ireland and Scotland to Rich, Kathbert, Luxuli, Prairie Man, Handy Woman, and her brother. Travalon took a LOT of photos, so we didn’t get through all or even most of them before we all had to call it a night. After all, it’s back to UGGH Club for me so I have to get my rest. The rumor is that Jilly Moose may be joining us soon in this crazy pursuit, and Travalon has promised to consider it once he is settled into life in Madtown. Soon there may be so many UGGHers that we will barely all fit in the health club at one time!

Famous Hat


Hardingfele said...

I will be there if I can come at say 6:30 or maybe 6, but not 5:30

Famous Hat said...

We start at 6 - I just get up at 5:30. Maybe earlier now, considering how much further the new condo is from the health club.