Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Happy Cinco de Mayo

This afternoon my coworkers and I had a wonderful break from the usual office routine. The campus has a free ice cream day every May, and last year it was while I was in Ireland, but this year it was scheduled for Cinco de Mayo, so I was able to join the others. They walked down to it last year, but today it is cold and rainy, so one coworker drove and somehow found a nearby space to park. We got our ice cream and then headed to a brief concert of yoik music, which is traditional Saami song. A yoik song, instead of telling a story, describes a person or thing. The Saami people are indigenous to northern Finland. Since we publish a journal about Arctic anthropology, it was actually pretty relevant for us, plus we enjoyed the music. A couple of coworkers went to talk to the African Studies department, because we will be publishing some journals for them, and one of them got a free thumb piano from them, so we were all trying to play it. Definitely not the usual boring Tuesday afternoon!

Famous Hat

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