Thursday, July 23, 2015

Boating on the River and Lake

I love summer! It is so much more fun than, say, winter. Last night Travalon and I went out in our boat, since the motor is finally working. We went up the river into Cherokee Marsh for a short spin, but lily pads were clogging the path to the island so we turned around and went back out into Lake Mendota. By then the sun was beginning to set and the wind was picking up, so the waves were getting wilder. It was a perfect night to be out on the water, and the sunset was glorious. We saw lots of people eating outside at Mariner’s, just like we did on Sunday evening. We could see a couple of fake lighthouses from the boat, the one in front of Mariner’s restaurant and the one in front of the Mariner’s Cove condo complex. I just love living in such a “maritime” community! We haven’t canoed yet this summer, but Travalon pointed out that we had only acquired the canoe about this time last year and still did tons of canoeing, so we have that to look forward to as well. Tonight we may go out on the boat again but will probably go see an ABBA cover band on the rooftop of the Monona Terrace. I love summer!

Famous Hat

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