Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Biking Misadventure

Yesterday Travalon drove my bicycle Eusebius and me to work, with the plan that I would bike home to see how long it takes. At some point I’d like to become less car-dependent, but it’s hard when I’d have to take three different busses and the parking at work is free. After work it was a gorgeous, sunny day and I hopped on the bike but noticed it was riding strangely, so I looked more closely and the back tire was completely flat. How had that happened? It had been fine in the morning. None of my coworkers were able to take me to the bike shop, so I called a taxi and had to wait for twenty minutes, but at least it was only a $5 ride. Once they fixed the tire, I was raring to go, but of course I had told Travalon of my woes, and he came to pick me up. We had dinner at Manna CafĂ©, and he was disappointed to see they have taken their chicken paprikash off the menu, then we went to the health club and swam, so I could at least get a little exercise. We did race each other, and I used the water weights, so it was a decent workout, but biking all the way home would have been great. Maybe tomorrow I will bike around Lake Monona with some coworkers after work, and Friday I am taking the day off of work for the Daughter of Denni’s annual biking to bars birthday bash, so I will get my biking fix in soon.

Famous Hat

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