Friday, August 19, 2016

Cottage Party at the East Side Club

Sorry I didn’t write yesterday. I was at a cottage party at the East Side Club with Travalon, Richard Bonomo, Cecil Markovitch, and OK Cap. Travalon and I came together, of course, and the other three said they would be a little late, but they each arrived in rapid succession just before our table (which happened to be the last one) went up to get food. For dinner we had lettuce salad, fruit salad, tenderloin wrapped in bacon, a baked potato, and a dinner roll. They have a full bar there, and then after dinner they had a special treat of either a grasshopper or what they called a Blizzard, which was an ice cream drink with Bailey’s and brandy. It sounded wonderful, but Travalon, Cecil, and I stuck with the classic grasshopper, and neither Rich nor OK Cap indulged. I was hoping afterwards they would set up bocce ball on the lawn like after the cottage party last year, but alas, bocce ball did not materialize. Cecil headed home, and Rich got pulled away by work concerns, so Travalon, OK Cap, and I sat down by the lake, gazing at downtown. OK Cap and I went for a vigorous walk, but suddenly there seemed to be a lot of still-distant lightning, so we decided to head back before the storm hit. As Travalon and I were driving home, the storm hit with full force, and he wondered if every time we go to a party at the East Side Club there will be a storm. We’ll have to go to RibFest next month and see if it happens again…

Famous Hat

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