Monday, February 6, 2017

Post 1800: Disappointing Super Bowl

An interesting note: this is Post #1800 on my blog.

I hope my readers had a good weekend. Friday evening my choir director had a big birthday, so some members had a party for him at their place. Saturday Travalon and I met with Jilly Moose, OK Cap, and Richard Bonomo at the Crema Café, then we ladies went to Fired Up again to make more fused glass pieces. I ended up making three pendants and two magnets, and they said they would be ready in a week, but actually they are ready today. That was fast! In the evening Travalon and I went to another birthday party, this one for the brew master at the Parched Eagle, the little brewery near our house, and we saw some people we know there. We had beer and gyros and potatoes that were basically poutine, plus there was birthday cake so, as you can imagine, I went way over my calorie limit for the day.

Yesterday after Mass and brunch I went to Rich’s house while Travalon was at a Badger basketball game. Rich wanted to go to the gym for a vigorous workout, so I had brought my gym clothes, but then I was saved when Kathbert called and wanted to do something outside. It was a very nice day (at least for this time of year), and the sun was out for the first time in days, so we took a walk outside. We didn’t go anywhere too exciting, just around Rich’s neighborhood. In the evening Travalon and I watched the Super Bowl at home, and the Falcons were slaughtering the Patriots, so we got excited and wanted to watch it at a nearby sports bar, Murphy’s. (Not that we are such huge Falcons fans, but we are so sick of the Patriots always winning.) We went there at half time, and in the third quarter things still looked really promising, so after some pizza and beer we headed home… only to watch the Patriots tie it up, win the coin toss for overtime, and quickly get a touchdown to end the game. It was the first Super Bowl that ever went into overtime, and the fifth one this Patriots quarterback has won. Somehow I took it really hard, since it seemed symbolic of so much more than just a game. Atlanta is a very nonwhite city full of people without much money, whereas Boston is white and wealthy. It just felt like the people who are always on top will never get their comeuppance. Plus Atlanta has never won the Super Bowl. Somehow it just felt so cosmically unjust, especially since Atlanta had been up by 25 points at one point. What happened? Did someone make a Faustian bargain? Eye of the Tiber, which is basically the Catholic Onion, had an article to that effect, and of course it was a joke, but it does make you wonder…

Famous Hat

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