Thursday, July 20, 2017

Mickey Mouse at the Outdoor Concert

Last night Travalon and I went to Oconomowoc and took his mother to the outdoor concert they have every Wednesday evening in the summer. The theme this week was Disney music, and to our surprise there was a guy in a Mickey Mouse costume going around greeting all the little kids. Then he came up to Travalon’s mom and gave her a hug! Travalon got a really good picture of that; I will see if he will let me put it on this blog. At some point I will also post the series of photos he took of me when we were boating for the past week: another day, another Hawaiian shirt, same old Famous Hat in the same boat.

Yesterday at work we had some out of state people visiting, so I got to go to a work lunch with them. Then today they invited us all to go to the Union Terrace to hang out with them for a couple of hours. It was beautiful, a little hot and humid, but there was a breeze from the lake. I just love watching all the sailboats, but I always wonder who those people are – don’t they have to work? How do they have a random Thursday afternoon off to go sailing? Maybe they have to work on the weekend? Every time I am off of work, I am always surprised by how many people are out and about, but to be fair maybe they all just have a day off of work themselves.

Famous Hat

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