Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Bald Cardinal

First a shout out to Giannis, who won the league's Most Valuable Player award on Monday night. I would have mentioned him in yesterday’s post, but it didn’t really go with my plea for people to turn away from heresy.

I know the title of today’s blog post suggests that I am going to discuss religion again, but in fact this bald cardinal is a bird. On Monday I took a walk at lunch through the garden near my office, and a male cardinal approached me as if he would like help. His head was entirely devoid of feathers, an ugly little patch of black skin, so that he almost looked like a tiny scarlet vulture. I felt very sad about this and emailed the people who run the garden. I wasn’t sure if he lost the feathers due to illness or a fight with another bird, and since cardinals spend the winter here, he might not survive with a bare head.

To my surprise, the garden director emailed me back to say they were aware of the bald cardinal, he has been hanging around for the last three years and is very friendly. So he survived the Polar Vortex with a bare head! That’s impressive. I asked if they had named him, and the director said no, but maybe that would make a good social media contest. If they ever do run this contest, and Kathbert enters, I bet she will win. She always won my blog contests.

Famous Hat

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