Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Poor Beheaded Calla Lily

This evening when I went to my garden plot, I got a rude surprise: someone or something had eaten the bloom off my calla lily! The deep orange leaf is still there, and the stem did not look cleanly cut, so either someone tore it off or a creature ate it. I thought it would be strange for a rabbit to eat the highest part of the plant, but a fellow gardener suggested a deer had done it, and that made a lot more sense. Then Travalon and I played tennis for almost an hour, and when I would bend over to fetch the ball, my back would crack and it felt so good. Who needs a chiropractor when you can just play a rousing game of tennis? Much cheaper and more fun!

Here are some recent photos. This is my succulent in almost full bloom. It may have even more now, but at this point some of them are dying. Anyway, you get the idea - it's really pretty.

And this is my orchid with more of the flowers open. There is still one unopened bud.

Speaking of flowers, there is a golden water lily blooming at the Allen Centennial garden. Most of them are white or yellow, but this one is a light orange, and before they had a lavender one and a magenta one.

Here is a selfie I took with my colleague as we were on the alumni boat ride last Friday.

At the Mallards game Travalon and I went to last Friday, they had a petting zoo beforehand. Here is a cute photo of the pony, the alpaca, and some sheep hanging out together. I was scared watching the kids grab the little chicks, though - how many of the poor things survived the evening?

This is a funny sign they had at the Hillsboro Brewpub:

And finally, here are a couple of shots of the sunset we saw on Monday from our boat.

Famous Hat

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