Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Weird Wednesday

Today was a weird one for me. It started out pretty normally, except that Travalon drove me to the bus stop because one of the tires on my car has a slow leak, so he took it into the shop. They said they couldn’t fix it until next Tuesday, but that shouldn’t be a problem since it is a SLOW leak, as in I have to fill it back up to optimal levels about once every week and a half. I know when this happened: I had just dropped Tiffy off at her car in front of the Daughter of Denni’s house, and it was late and dark, and I was tired. As I drove down Segoe Road, which is divided, I got too close to the curb on the driver’s side. Whoops! My own stupidity.

My right leg, which got massively bruised during our Kickapoo canoe trip, has been bothering me a lot lately, and I wasn’t sure if it was just part of the healing process or something worse. The worst thing you can do is google your symptoms, because of course then I was sure I had deep vein thrombosis and would die of a pulmonary embolism any moment. I sent an email to the doctor’s office, and they actually thought the same thing, so they made me come in and have an ultrasound of my leg. That was a weird experience, but I didn't see anything alarming on the screen, and judging by the technician’s reaction, neither did she. So I got a clean bill of health, except that the doctor mentioned something called compartment syndrome, which I had never heard of. Of course I looked it up as soon as I could, and yikes! But I think if she was really convinced the tissue in my leg was dying, she would have been a lot more concerned. She just said elevate it as much as possible and take lots of ibuprofen. One thing I have noticed is that the more I rest, the more it hurts, so I have actually been moving as much as possible, except today. No walk at lunch because I was too busy sitting around waiting to see the doctor and the ultrasound technician. Maybe I can get one in very late tonight…

Famous Hat

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