Friday, January 24, 2020

Against Theocracies

Yesterday I read a rather terrifying article in which the writer stated that the reason people wanted to impeach Trump is to keep him from setting up a theocracy, and here’s the thing – the writer was hoping for the theocracy! He was a member of my own denomination, which makes me wonder if he has learned anything from history, since Catholics have often been suppressed in this country. Of course, lately so many Catholics seem to be in bed with the Evangelicals, even denouncing the Pope, that maybe they think these Evangelicals won’t turn on them if they win control of the government. Perhaps they are right, but the graver sin is in thinking that worldly powers will save us. We are supposed to put our hope in God alone, not in a theocratic government. Also, I wonder how this will go over with other members of the Trump coalition, like my brother-in-law and my nephew who both hate organized religion, and surely they are not the only MAGA types who do. The writer of this article said that the Civil War was God’s vengeance on our country for the Founders having set it up as a secular republic, which seems odd because I would say it was more likely God’s vengeance for the sin of slavery. Sometimes I wonder if in fact it is racial animosity that is holding this odd group of bedfellows together, because it sure isn’t shared faith if one group wants a totalitarian Christian regime and another group hates everything to do with religion. I never thought impeachment had anything to do with preventing the setup of Christian sharia law, but I am certainly in favor of anything that keeps that from happening! After all, as someone from Iran told me who has firsthand knowledge of such things, wherever the government dictates the religion, the regular people cease to believe in that religion.

Famous Hat

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