Monday, May 18, 2020

Super Cute Baby Birds

Today is another cold, wet, gloomy day, but sometimes those days seem better for animal viewings. Today when my neighbor and I were on our walks, we saw a rabbit, a deer, a cardinal, and the cranes. Sadly, they only have one baby now. Here are some photos that Travalon took after I got done with work. First we saw the baby crane (which is called a colt) out with its parents, but the baby and the mother ran into the brush while the dad stood guard on one leg.

We took a walk to the dock, and we saw this male bufflehead all by himself.

Here are some boats in our neighborhood, including my dreamboat, the big yellow catamaran at the right edge of the picture.

Then we snuck back, and Mom and Baby Crane were back out! Travalon got some excellent photos of the two of them.

There are also several families of geese in our neighborhood. We didn't see any today, but here is a video of super cute goslings that Travalon took at Horicon Marsh.

And a bonus clip: the white-headed goose at Horicon Marsh came over to say hi!

The audio was terrible, so I said to Travalon that I was going to replace it with either "Run Joe" by Louis Jordan or "Jump in the Line" by Harry Belafonte. He chose Harry Belafonte.

Famous Hat

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