Thursday, June 25, 2020

More Antique Rosaries

Yesterday evening the weather was bad, so instead of going on a boat ride after work, Travalon and I went to the antiques store in Monona. What we didn't realize is that it is closed on Wednesday, which seems like a really random day to be closed, so he called the one on Stoughton Road and found out they would be open for almost another hour. We went there, and I found a Blessed Sacrament chaplet, but I didn't see any rosaries. I did find a huge cross on a necklace full of what looks like aquarium gravel, and it was such a bright pink that I figured it would glow under black light. It was not very expensive, so I got that too. The owner asked if I found everything, and I said I didn't see any rosaries, but of course she knew exactly where two were. I prayed one on the way home, then I took the big, gaudy cross necklace up to the loft... and it does glow under black light! I doubt that I would ever wear such a thing in public, but it would be fun to wear if the Rosary Ladies are ever able to come over for a black light rosary party.

Today I had something for UPS to pick up, so I was trying to figure out how to call them and let them know when Travalon said there was a UPS store over by another big antiques mall on Odana Road. I took a couple of hours of vacation time, and we ran our errand, went to the used book store, and then went to the antiques mall. Wow, did they have rosaries! There was no way I could buy them all, so if any of my readers would like antique rosaries, one guy at the front is having a sale of rosaries for $7, and there are some in Case 23 in the back. In case you were wondering.

Famous Hat

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