Sunday, June 13, 2021

Found a Cinder on Cinder Lane


This morning I woke up in such a good mood. It seemed like the positive energy from the Flock was still coursing through me, and I thought how I'd love to join the Flock, but then I'd have to go to Flock practices, and I'm already involved in too many things. Then I wondered if maybe it was from hiking in the woods yesterday. At the risk of sounding New Agey (but I probably already do with all my talk about crystals, astrology, and reincarnation), I feel like there is power that comes out of trees that we can absorb. So today I resolved to spend more time in the woods.

First we went to Mass, and then six of us went to brunch. Afterwards I said to the two basses that I was a bit weirded out by how pretty our waiter was, and Rich said he hadn't noticed, but the other bass laughed and said, "He was a bit boy bandish!" But Rich is a guy, so it's not like he would feel weird that the waiter was prettier than he was. I couldn't tell if he were wearing mascara, or what. Of course, in this town, that wouldn't be all that shocking. 

Then Travalon and I went for a hike in the woods by the bluff, and then we walked on Governor's Island. He had his steps for the day (he's been walking an average of 4.4 miles every day per his new iPhone, so that's pretty respectable), so he sat watching the Bucks win their playoff game while I went with my neighbor back to Governor's Island. She had never been there before, and she LOVED it, so she was busy learning how to get there. It's on Cinder Lane, and as we finished our walk, she spotted something shiny on the ground and picked it up.

"Look!" she said. "It's a cinder! They must have done something industrial on this island once upon a time. Hence the name of the road it's on." 

We also went to a spot where you can look out over Three Foot Bay, where the water is very shallow so all the boats stop there so the people can swim. When I had walked with Travalon, we saw one boat with a gay pride flag, a transsexual flag, and three unicorn inner tubes floating behind it. He took some photos.

When my neighbor and I went to check it out, it was still there. Then we came home, and her next-door neighbor has a passionflower vine in bloom. 

This evening, after it had cooled off and the big boats had mostly come in for the night, Travalon and I took a sunset boat ride.

We went out to where we could see downtown, and the sunset was reflecting brightly off some of the buildings.

Here is another photo of the sunset, and in this one you can see there's a lot of goop in the water. I think maybe it's dead clumps of the blue-green algae that is taking over right now.

And this is the little island we went around. Lots of ducks were hanging out on it.

Here we are, enjoying our boat ride!

One last shot of the afterglow from the sunset.

I am in a very good mood now, so maybe all that power did come down from the trees onto me. Or maybe it was the wonderful boat ride. It could have even been that the Bucks won and tied up the playoff series. Maybe I just need this much sunlight - the last time I remember feeling like this, super healthy and happy, was exactly a year ago when we were in the North Woods. Is it because the Solstice is almost here? Or was it the trees in that case too?

Famous Hat

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