Monday, November 1, 2021

More Autumn Photos


This morning Travalon and I took the boat out of the water with the help of our neighbor, then this evening I went to Latin Mass for All Saints' Day. The young priest had an odd accent in English and a beautiful accent in Latin, but he refused to give communion to anyone on the hand. The music was lovely, but the Mass was so dry. I can understand that a religious service is not a day at the beach, but you would think it would be a little pleasurable. I have certainly been to more moving ones.

Travalon and I also went to Governor Nelson State Park for a walk after taking care of the boat. The leaves there are beautiful.

Here are some more photos from this weekend. First, the bubble tea place still has the sign out front saying what flavor tea you should get for your astrological sign.

Here are photos from the Arboretum. They are mostly maples, but the first two are the tupelo tree right by the building.

We were shocked to see lilacs blooming in October! What?!?

This is what Kathbert called a "maple-juana." 

More lovely maples.

I love these purple leaves!

This maple is shaped like a Lombardy poplar!

I also loved these topiaries.

Sigh... once again, these photos got loaded in reverse order. Here we are eating Barbarian Spaghetti, or actually the salad course, with our hands.

This is the little apple pie we brought from Paoli. So cute!

Some photos from Paoli. Here I am on a bridge.

Is this the world's smallest island?

This is the blues band we danced to.

And this photo is from Governor Nelson State Park.

Sorry for the random order of the photos. I took a photo of Travalon on the bridge in Paoli, but it didn't turn out. That is why there are more photos of me than of him on this blog - he is a better photographer!

Famous Hat

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