Saturday, December 17, 2022

First Eagle and Zoo Lights


Last night Travalon and I went out to dinner with our neighbor, who has had a rough year. Her husband died on her birthday, and then a few weeks ago she had to put her dog down. But not to worry - she already has a new puppy picked out. After dinner, I talked to Tiffy, and she sent me some photos of Christmas light displays in her area.

I also took a photo of my Advent calendar crystals up until that day. One day there was none in the window, but another day there were two, so it evened out to eight. I imagine that the last group will only have seven because of the doubled-up day.

This morning I watched a lot of my YouTube videos on the TV, then Travalon and I drove out to Sauk, where we saw the first eagle of the season.

It was a winter wonderland out there.

We went to the antiques shop in Sauk, and I got a rosary, a bracelet of the Ten Commandments, and several holy medals.

Here's a closeup of the bracelet and holy medals: Mary, Joseph, and a six-way medal.

On the way back we went to Maple Bluff to see if there were any swans around. At first we didn't see any, but then we saw two fly by. 

In the evening Travalon and I went to Zoo Lights. Here are some photos.

On the way there and back we passed the house lit up like a gingerbread house which I featured on this blog last year. On the way home we also checked out a neighborhood near us with some good lights, but I didn't take any photos of that. They weren't as spectacular as the ones in Sun Prairie.

Famous Hat

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