Thursday, January 5, 2023

I Watched the Star Wars Holiday Special So You Don't Have To


Travalon and I did something masochistic tonight: we watched the Star Wars Holiday Special. It was truly as terrible as you've ever heard, although there was a cartoon in the middle that at least had a plot, but it wasn't clear why suddenly the action was animated, and there was a scene in the bar from the first movie with Bea Arthur singing about how they all had to go home that was watchable. Really, how can any scene with Bea Arthur in it be all bad? The rest of it seemed as pointless as the movie The King of Jazz (which you must really see to believe), or the video where Raquel Welch is singing "Age of Aquarius" on Teotihuacan with a bunch of people dressed as the signs of the zodiac. I guess you either love those costumes (judging by the comments on YouTube), or you hate them, and I definitely fall into the latter camp. The woman with fish on her head will never not be funny, but the costume for my sign of Capricorn is creepy as all bejeebers. Yeesh!

Here are some more photos from the Twin Cities that I forgot to post during my big blitz yesterday. These first few are scenes from our light rail ride from Minneapolis to St. Paul.

This is my new buddy at Minnehaha Falls.

This is a better photo of the Christmas-hued building than what I posted yesterday.

Here is the wedding we saw on Saturday evening, in a hotel rather than a skyway.

Back to the train ride for a few more photos.

I think that's it, but who knows? Maybe there are more that I forgot to post. 

Everyone is talking about the Buffalo Bills player who got injured during Monday Night Football and went into cardiac arrest. Even my friends who don't know anything about football, you know, the ones who would ask how many innings are in a game or how they make a goal or a home run, know the story. It does bring up the really ugly side of football that I hate to think about, not just about how dangerous it is, but about the racist side of the sport. Seventy percent of the players are black, and probably mostly from poor backgrounds, so they're fighting their way out of poverty by endangering themselves for the entertainment of rich white people. This player is black, and there have been all sorts of horrible things said about him on social media, especially the one that is all about "freedom of speech." If that means being able to say terrible, racist things about a guy fighting for his life, what have we become as a society?

Famous Hat

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