Thursday, March 23, 2023

Travalon's Work Art


Not too much to say about my day today. I worked on campus and had all my steps and all my staircases by the time I got home, so I really wanted to sit on my derriere and do nothing. But thanks to stupid old Daylight Saving Time, it was so sunny and beautiful out that I felt guilty for going into the house and sitting around. Who needs that? I miss dark evenings. DST must be popular with people who don't go outside during the day, so they need day at night... which makes morning happen at night. I'd so much rather get up with the sun and then have it go down at a reasonable time.

I did go for a walk at lunchtime in the Allen Centennial Gardens, and there were actually flowers blooming! The white ones are snowdrops, but I'm not sure what the yellow ones are.

Yesterday the Workforce Development people came back to Travalon's workplace to work with the kids again. They had the kids build little things out of marshmallows and graham crackers and toothpicks. Here are a boxing ring, a suspension bridge, and I'm not sure what else.

Travalon made a little gas station! Check out the little marshmallow gas pumps. The thing on the right is that thing you can use to put air in your tires or vacuum your car.

Then today at work he drew this really good turtle.

As always, I am busy looking for things that glow under blacklight. I have had this lei for years, probably from my wedding shower.

This journal has been sitting around at work forever, on a table in a common area. It's hard to see in this photo, but the pink part did glow.

Another thing from work - this Christmas card came to... our department? It was a very generic address, not to any particular person, and I couldn't find that we had ever used this vendor for anything. Yes, it has taken this long for me to get around to checking it.

The inside is far more spectacular under blacklight.

This morning Travalon went out to the dock again. He saw some scaups.

And he saw at least three pairs of common mergansers, seen here with a couple of buffleheads.

Stay tuned for more bird photos and photos of things glowing under blacklight. 

Famous Hat

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