Friday, April 28, 2023

Travalon's New Camera


I've been thinking more about this Nefarious movie, and one of the most disturbing lines is when the demon strongly implies that racism is not from the devil but just created by man. I was curious about what other people said, so I read some reviews, and one of them pointed out that basically the only woman in the movie, and only one of two black people, is portrayed as possessed by the demon. That is some hardcore symbolism: white man good, black woman evil. The people who recommended this movie said don't watch the previews, they're awful, but they were just the basic crap I wouldn't watch anyway. The only truly awful one was for something called The Last Patriot or some overblown name like that, which seems to be about how guns are the only thing that will save us. That is what fascinates me about all these right-wingers: they say Jesus is their savior, but they act like only guns are their saviors. Funny that such a death cult then makes a movie about a different death cult without facing up to their own heinousness.

Travalon got a new camera in the mail today. It's the same kind as his previous camera that died. Here are some photos he took with it. First, some guys in a fishing boat in front of Rock Island:

Mallard butts!

I believe this is an osprey.

I took this photo on campus on Wednesday - a huge turkey vulture landed right near me!

I think these are called heliotropes.

And a couple of cheery orange tulips in our neighborhood.

I took all those with my cell phone. As you can see, Travalon's new camera takes photos very similar to the ones his old camera took.

Famous Hat

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