Thursday, March 15, 2012

Eau de Pope

Hardingfele sent me an article which can be read in its entirety here. The gist of it is that the current Pope, who is a very dapper guy, has requested that Italian celebrity perfume maker Silvana Casoli create a cologne just for him. As noted in the article, the Pope was once Archbishop of Cologne. Can this be a coincidence? Ms. Casoli says she was inspired by the Pope’s love of nature, but otherwise she will divulge nothing about the scent, nor will she ever share it with anyone else.  The only way you will ever be able to smell it is to have a private audience with Benedict XVI, so good luck with that.

Famous Hat


Hardingfele said...

This was pointed out to me by my non Catholic coworker so I just had to share. Apparently it has a tinge of verbena and grass. I did not know one can make a cologne out of grass. But then it depends which grass

Famous Hat said...

One assumes it is not the grass otherwise known as Mary Jane.