Thursday, February 13, 2014

Cake Tasting

Yesterday Travalon and I went to a local bakery to taste test cake. I had told them I am allergic to fake vanilla, but they said they were unable to make anything without it. Travalon and I went anyway and tried several different kinds of cake; we both liked the red velvet cake, and he liked the marble cake a lot. Amazingly, the vanillin did not seem to make me crazy, but I did have two tablespoons full of real vanilla extract immediately afterwards. After all that cake, we could barely eat dinner so we just had something light at Noodles, and then we watched Sleepless in Seattle. I found the movie very puzzling, because the main character leaves a man who seems to love and understand her for a man she doesn’t even know. Of course she doesn’t know the new guy’s flaws yet, so maybe he just seems better. I felt too sorry for the guy she left to care much about her plight.

I am still on a quest for a vanillin-free cake, so Travalon and I will be trying two more bakeries, next Wednesday and Friday. One of them I thought to call after having some (yes, more) cake today for three coworkers’ birthdays. It was way better than the cake we’d had the night before, and this place uses all natural ingredients. If they are not prohibitively expensive, they would be an excellent option, except that they cannot make large wedding cakes so we would have to have several smaller ones. I am OK with that option, if it means a tastier and less artificial cake. Guess I will really have to buckle down and work out next week, to work off all that cake from our tastings!

Famous Hat

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