Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sugar Musings

Usually I don’t run out of things to blog about until Friday, but today I have no deep thoughts or interesting stories. The one out-of-the-ordinary thing that happened to me is that last week I bought some blackberries, and they still hadn’t gone bad. I just finished eating them. You know how berries always mold like two hours after you buy them? These weren’t very sweet, so I kind of forgot about them until just now, and they still hadn’t molded. It’s like they didn’t have enough sugar in them to spoil. Then again, I once made chocolate chip cookies without enough sugar – they weren’t bad, just kind of tasted like scones – and they molded within two days. So does sugar preserve food from molding, or does it cause it to mold? All I know is Richard Bonomo is not letting me eat refined sugar except on Sundays, so maybe that will keep me from spoiling.

Famous Hat

1 comment:

Hardingfele said...

A little sugar is yummy food for yeast. A lot of sugar (as in jam) will generally keep the bugs away. Not an optimal environment for them.
Your friendly science geek