Tuesday, April 1, 2014

No More Early Morning Workouts

I am so done with exercising. People say I look fitter, but I don’t see any change, nor does the scale. This morning I said, “Forget it!” and slept in until 8:00 am, then I had a huge breakfast at Jerkins of all the bad stuff on the menu. And it was so wonderful that I’m going to do it again tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that, until Lent is over and I can REALLY go nuts. And guess what else? APRIL FOOLS!!! I arrived at the health club today right after Luxuli, and we both worked out really hard. We did weights, and then Richard Bonomo had suggested doing some aerobics if we had time, so we did the ellipticals at Level 20, the highest one. My breakfast was oatmeal and lowfat yogurt, and my lunch was broccoli and carrots with hummus, with raw almonds for a snack. OK, so the numbers on the scale aren’t moving much, but soon I’ll be able to bench press Richard Bonomo.

Famous Hat

1 comment:

Richard Bonomo said...

After you get to the point where you can bench-press me, then you can set bench-pressing Travalon as your next goal! :-)