Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Evil Beats

So the implicit racism I opined about in yesterday’s post? Nope, it’s explicit. I got into a social media fight with one of these so-called Christians who are huge hypocrites, especially when they’re all, “Anyone who votes for a pro-abortion politician is complicit in their policies, but I’m not complicit in the evil policies of the guy I voted for who is the living embodiment of all seven deadly sins.” Then she said she didn’t say that, so I just copied and pasted where she did say it, and I said, “This is why people are leaving the Church.” So then she took things to private messaging with some ridiculous conspiracy theory about how one of the Super Bowl halftime performers was sliding down a pole that was lit up pink, which shows her support for late-term abortion, and you should have seen the comments under this post! What really got me is how many of them said African beats are Satanic. So if syncopated beats are pure evil, I must be the spawn of Satan, since I prefer them. I would say this is people straining at gnats, except that it does have a much darker aspect. If you are saying something as innocuous as rhythms (not lyrics, mind you, but RHYTHMS) are evil if they come from another race, then what are you saying about your thoughts on members of that race? These were, of course, all “devout” and “pro-life” “Catholics” commenting on the post. I am so aghast that I am going to confession tonight, because right now I hate (and I mean HATE) a huge chunk of my fellow churchgoers. Fortunately most of the worst offenders have left my parish for “Tradistan,” where the doily-heads go to Latin Mass because they consider the Novus Ordo invalid. That is what the person I had the original argument with does. Still, I can’t help feeling that a lot of people in the pews next to me might think “Catholic” means, not universal, but white and European, and anything else is evil. And that is, in fact, the real evil: considering those different from ourselves not human.

Famous Hat

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