Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Those with No Moral Authority

So some people I know on social media have been posting about how horrible the Super Bowl halftime show was, and they are shocked by the reaction they have gotten. I think this isn’t surprising, because they are the same Christians who don’t have a problem with the current president’s behavior, either in the sexual realm or in other realms (or at least they don’t condemn it and even go so far as to say he was chosen by God), and then they condemn a couple of dancers for dancing. I agree that the dancing was a bit over the top, but some of it was from Latin and black cultures, so then I wonder if there could be a touch of racism too. Anyway, the point is, if you give the president a pass for his behavior, then you have no moral authority to be clutching your pearls over something that has so little consequence. You may think Hunter Biden’s job at Burisma was shady (like I do), but if you are not saying anything about Trump’s children profiting off their own name, then you have no moral authority. If you denounce black athletes for kneeling during the National Anthem but then have nothing to say about the president goofing around during it, you have no moral authority. And if you act like you do, the rest of us are going to call you a hypocrite and tell you to sit down and shut up. Seriously, it has gotten to the point where I am ashamed to call myself a Christian – not because I am ashamed of Christ, but because I do not want to be associated with these people who claim to be his followers. If you think the Pope has no moral authority but Trump is God’s Chosen One, then we are not the same religion. As Light Bright said, “I feel bad, but I am starting to hate the sound of the word ‘Jesus’ because of the people who throw it around.” I told her just think of him as Yeshua, as I do, and this “Jesus” guy the so-called Christians say they follow, who the heck knows what he is? But he’s not the Christ.

Famous Hat

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