Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Going Chaplet Crazy

One thing about working from home is that I am more likely to actually take the breaks I am supposed to, morning and afternoon. I often walk with my neighbor, but she is busy today so I walked alone, since it was so beautiful out. I also took some time to pray, since I have so many crazy chaplets. First thing in the morning I have been praying my Padre Pio chaplet for an end to the pandemic. While cleaning I found a little chaplet that seems like a one-decade rosary, but it has a St. Anthony medal instead of a crucifix, and I remember it came in some Catholic junk mail with an explanation of how to pray it. I seem to have lost the accompanying literature, so I looked up how to pray a St. Anthony chaplet... and it should have thirteen groups of three beads, nothing like my little chaplet. It will have to remain a rosary for now, but I remembered that I did have a mysterious chaplet with one starting group of three and then six groups of three, so I could just go around the circle twice to have thirteen. I did use it to pray the St. Anthony chaplet, which has thirteen petitions, and a number of them are very timely during this pandemic. So then I also prayed the Worker's Chaplet, which has seven groups of three, and my St. Jude chaplet for lost causes. Those are very short chaplets. At lunch I walked and prayed the Rosary, so this evening at my adoration hour I will pray the Seven Sorrows of Mary chaplet that I once accidentally ordered, thinking it was a rosary. (I also have another one; when our beloved organist died, one choir member had her rosaries and was giving them away, and I was the only one who knew what a chaplet with seven groups of seven was, so they gave it to me.) And I have been praying a Divine Mercy chaplet at three during this pandemic. I probably will not pray my Stations of the Cross chaplet today too, but we'll see... I do plan to pray it sometime on Good Friday. To top it all off, one of the places I have bought rosaries from in the past is always sending me emails, so I went to their website, did a search for "chaplets," and found one called the Blessed Sacrament chaplet that looked interesting, so I ordered it. Later I read what it was, and it is for spiritual communion! Very apt during this time when we cannot receive the Sacrament. I was just thinking it would be good to pray during my adoration hour... And of course before I go to bed at night, I always pray the Sacred Heart chaplet that I found after praying to receive an interesting chaplet. There never seemed like a better time than this pandemic to pray chaplets like crazy!

Famous Hat

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