Saturday, April 11, 2020

Lots of Nature Photos

Blessed Easter, everyone! He is risen! Here are some photos from our recent adventures. First, our trip around Lake Wisconsin. This is a not so good picture of the robin who had a white patch on his head.

This is the view from the park across from the resort we will go to, God willing, for our anniversary.

Now some photos from around our house. This first one is of our bed all made up in the evening. It just looked so cozy that I had to take a photo of it. It makes me want to go to bed right now!

These are the Christmas lights I have up in the loft. People have been putting up Christmas lights as something cheery during the pandemic.

And this is what my plant room is looking like these days.

This is a shot of the Pink Super Moon through our skylight - not that good, but you get the idea.

And this was a beautiful sunset a few days ago.

This is a video of a sudden snow squall that started just as my neighbor and I were going to take a walk a couple of days ago. We whipped out our phones and made videos, and then just as suddenly as it had started, it stopped again, so we took our walk.

Here are some of the chaplets I have been praying for an end to the pandemic. On the top row, left to right, are the Padre Pio chaplet I got free in junk mail, the Blessed Sacrament chaplet that arrived on Holy Thursday, the Worker's chaplet (or Medjugorje chaplet) an old coworker gave me, and the chaplet that works perfectly for the St. Anthony chaplet which I have no idea where it came from or what it actually is. I found it in my box of religious articles ten years ago when I started getting really into the rosary. And the one on the bottom is the St. Jude chaplet.

Today Travalon and I went with our Slow Food buddy to a county park with Indian mounds and a lovely pond, then to Ledge County Park, and then to Horicon Marsh. I see that I have put these photos on in the wrong order, but I'm too lazy to change it, so first are a bunch of shots of the white-headed goose. I was hoping we would see her, and we didn't even have to go down to the water - she was with some other geese in a field right by the parking lot! I took these with my good camera.

And, also with my good camera, I took a shot of some pelicans swimming.

And Travalon took this photo of some waterfowl landing on the lake.

Now back to photos taken with my iPhone. Here are some shots of the lovely pond at the county park we had never been to before, I believe it's called Nitzchke Park. I have no idea who the kids are in the first shot.

At Ledge County Park, you can get quite a view of Horicon Marsh. I didn't take a picture of that, but we did see this cool ring of rocks around a tree at the top of the ledge.

After all that hiking, we went home. I tried to make the whipped coffee again, and guess what? I failed again. I think maybe I know what I did wrong... Anyway, tomorrow is the Vietnamese egg coffee (the whipped coffee is a Korean creation), so hopefully that is more successful! Then we watched the Easter Vigil Mass. We who? Me, Travalon, and ALL the red pandas!

After the Mass, we had this chocolate cross Travalon had bought for me. I like how it says it is "Milk Chocolate Flavored." It did, in fact, taste somewhat like chocolate.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter Day tomorrow!

Famous Hat

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