Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Dumbkirk: The Perfect Metaphor

Today at work we had a practice meeting to figure out Zoom features, and that was kind of fun, especially since I figured out how to "raise my hand," so then I looked smart. (Fooled them!) Of course, I had to do the practice meeting from Boethius my laptop instead of my work computer in order to have a camera and microphone, and as I have mentioned, he is very slow. He's not so much the Consolation of Philosophy as the Consternation of Low Memory. I swear every time Apple does an update, they slow him down. So I was still not in the meeting at ten, and I sent a message saying "Having trouble getting in," and immediately my coworkers all wanted to know what the issue was, so I had to explain, "Slow computer." I suppose they all thought I was having an issue with the link or with Zoom or something.

Did you hear about the Trump boat rally in Austin on Saturday where five boats sank? Fortunately nobody was hurt, but someone whose superior intellect I bow down before has dubbed this episode "Dumbkirk." My favorite meme about it goes like this:

Them: Help! SOS! Our boat is sinking!

Me: All boats matter.

My coworker said her favorite one-liner about Dumbkirk was: "That's the first time the ships deserted the rats!" 

At first people were saying it was the weather (or, for the tin-hat crowd, Antifa submarines), but they have determined it was big boats going fast and not caring that they were swamping little boats. Which, as someone pointed out, is the perfect metaphor for the MAGA crowd.

Here are some recent photos. This first one is clematis still blooming in our neighborhood.

These are all photos from Olbrich Gardens on Sunday.

And this volunteer morning glory was growing across from the zoo. The ZuZu Cafe has a big pot full of them, but this one was growing right next to the mailbox.

I have more pictures, but they will have to wait for tomorrow because Boethius is tired, or at least he's really slow tonight.

Famous Hat

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