Thursday, November 12, 2020

Another Plant Rescue Adventure


I got sunburned today just going out for walks on my breaks. It wasn't quite the weather we had on Monday, but it was certainly beautiful. Travalon went for a walk on the boardwalk up in DeForest. He took some pictures.

He saw several deer, including a buck that he didn't get a picture of. It was on the path in front of him, but it ran away too quickly.

Astute readers may remember that this is the area where we saw a ton of deer facing off against four cranes this summer. There were two blond deer that day - I wonder if they're still around?

At lunch I took a rosary walk, since my neighbor was busy, and as I walked out on the dock I noticed two large cordylines in pots, one on either side of the boardwalk out to the dock. They were in good shape, but tonight the temperature is supposed to get into the low 20's, so after Night Prayer when I suddenly remembered the poor tropical plants stuck out in the cold, I went to rescue them. Because Travalon is the best husband ever, he followed me, and he took one pot while I tried to lift the other one. He managed to carry the one pot back to our garage, then he came back with the car to get the second one. Now they are sitting in our garage, which isn't heated, but at least it will keep them from freezing completely. I hope... The pots must belong to our condo association, so at some point I have to get lighter pots big enough for these huge plants so I can stuff them into the plant room somewhere. And then they will probably slowly die from the lack of light...

Famous Hat

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