Monday, November 9, 2020

Running (More Like Ambling) for the Board


Maybe it's the Irish in me, but if there's two things I love (beside plants, birds, and anything that glows under black lights), it's being Catholic and being politically active. My great-grandfather was in Tammany Hall, or so I've been told, and I got the political bug a few years ago when nobody was running in my district for Staff Congress at work. I LOVED it... and then I changed districts and suddenly had to run against someone, and then I realized how incumbents feel. Fortunately I have beaten all my opponents. Now I'm Chair of the Bylaws Committee too, and I'm a total Robert's Rules of Order nerd. But I realized being political is still less interesting to me than being Catholic when the East Side Club asked me to run for their board, because they meet once a month on Tuesday evenings, right during my Date Night with Jesus. I reluctantly threw my hat in the ring, and then they sent a long questionnaire for me to fill out about why I was running ("because you begged me to?") and requesting a headshot. Now who has one of those sitting around?? I was so annoyed that I was going to send one from my high school graduation or college graduation, but I couldn't find them. I said I'd be happy to email a jpeg to them, but they didn't respond. Then there was a meeting on Thursday night over Zoom to meet the candidates, which I forgot about because of the Packers game. (Oh yeah, I love football too.) Oops! Imagine my relief when I got the ballot in the mail today, and there are ten people running for three positions. Oh, and all of them provided a headshot except for me. I think it's safe to say that I'm not going to be elected to the board of the East Side Club, unless something goes terribly wrong. In which case Travalon did say he could cover my adoration hour once a month.

As promised, here are a couple of pictures Travalon took yesterday on the boardwalk by Lake Waubesa.

Today he went to the Token Creek Conservancy after doing Door Dash during the lunch hour.

On the way home, he saw the sun setting behind Mount Wank.

And here he is wearing his Hong Kong Phooey T-shirt, but for some reason the printing is backwards in his selfie.

This is the promised footage of the woodpecker in our neighborhood. 

Soon I hope to do something with Travalon's woodpecker footage. His view of the bird is much clearer, but in his video you can't hear it knocking on the wood as clearly.

Famous Hat

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