Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Led by the Christmas Star to Our Lord


Today after doing Door Dash, Travalon was at Babcock Park in McFarland again, and he saw those same non-Canada geese. Here are some really good photos of the calico one.

After I got done with work, Travalon drove me to Adoration, and we stopped at Tenney Park to walk out on the jetty for a good view of the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. We hadn't brought our good cameras, but he got a decent photo with his cell phone.

We drove along Sherman Avenue, and there were lots of houses decorated beautifully for Christmas. Here are my two favorites.

To my astonishment, the "Christmas Star" was dead ahead of us, as we came from the East like the Magi. It seemed to lead us right to my church! I am amazed that, not only did I get to see the Christmas Star, but it even led me to Our Lord, just like that one two thousand years ago. Meanwhile, Richard Bonomo was taking pictures of the conjunction himself, and he took some good ones. Here are my two favorites.

After all that, you would think Adoration would be incredibly spiritual for me, but I was praying with the crazy rosary that has only four decades, and one "decade" has eight beads, so that took more brain power than usual. And people were really not socially distancing in the chapel, but at least everyone wore masks today. There's nothing like being stuck in a small room with a bunch of people who refuse to wear masks to make you hate your fellow man. It's odd how I have no pity for other humans, yet I can feel such pity for a poor old rosary with the wrong number of beads. Humaning: I'm just not doing it right.

Famous Hat

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