Saturday, December 19, 2020

Saturday Night Christmas Lights


Yesterday we had a video conference Christmas party at work. Here is a brief video of the silly stuff my boss dropped off that morning for me to wear.

We all had similar, but not identical, leis and antlers. We played Cards Against Humanity and then just talked about non-work stuff.

Yesterday Travalon saw two deer in the woods across from the small bluff near our house.

And here is the path in the woods.

Last night and tonight we went around taking pictures of the Christmas lights in our neighborhood.

One of our neighbors has a lamp just like the one from A Christmas Story in their window.

And here are some videos of little birds in our neighborhoods hanging out in the trees.

Today was a good day for the Badgers. The basketball team won decisively, and the football team beat the Gophers in overtime to retain the Paul Bunyan Axe. The Packers were looking amazing against Carolina the first half of the game, but now they seem to have lost their mojo. Hope they find it again...

Update: it was ugly, but the Packers won.

Famous Hat

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