Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Typical Train in My Neighborhood


Sorry for not blogging yesterday - I ran out of time before Basque class. Also, I have more pictures of cranes and sunsets, but my readers might be tired of those. For some reason I didn't think to have Travalon take a picture of us Rosary Ladies at the winery, because that might have been a lot more interesting than more cranes and more sunsets. Anyway, all I am going to post tonight is a video I shot yesterday of a train passing by at lunchtime. I love everything about trains: the horn, the clackity-clack of the wheels, and the colorful graffiti on the boxcars, but most of all I love the anticipation. If the train comes from the west, I can hear the horn in the distance, sometimes so far away that I wonder if it's my imagination. Then it comes closer, and I run over to the Nau-Ti-Gal parking lot and get into position, and I can see it before it blows its horn. In this case I made two videos: one of the train blowing its horn, and then a second one, as it was getting closer and you can see it pass by over the bridge. Then I combined them into one video, so that is why the train suddenly jumps ahead.

As I was processing this video, another train went by, but it came from the east so I heard the clackity-clack of the wheels before I heard the horn. Anyway, it's dark outside so no point in running out to watch it. It would be a far less interesting video than the one I shot in the beautiful sunlight.

Famous Hat

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