Sunday, May 2, 2021

Tiffy in Town and Pelicans at Sauk


Yesterday morning I went with Travalon to a shot clinic sponsored by his work place; he was on the clock, but I was just a volunteer. People were coming in to get the COVID vaccine, and my big job was to sanitize chairs after people got done waiting the required fifteen minutes after their shots. I was there three hours, then I went downtown and met Tiffy. We had lunch in the little secret garden at Rising Sons Thai restaurant, and after a while Rich joined us, then all three of us took a walk on Picnic Point. It was a very hot, dry day and exceedingly windy, so a lot of dust was getting kicked up. Rich dropped us off back downtown, and we met up with Travalon at the new crepes and tea place on State Street - highly recommended. Then Tiffy and I went up to the roof of her sister's apartment building, from which we could see my church and Picnic Point, and then we met Travalon and Kathbert at Rich's house for dinner. Rich brought his iPad out when it was time for Night Prayer and sort of forced everyone to participate, but I don't think Tiffy and Kathbert enjoyed it too much.

Today Travalon and I were at brunch with Rich and our church organist when, to our surprise, Tiffy and her parents joined us!! That was fun! Then Travalon and I went to Sauk and watched pelicans at the dam.

This pelican looks like it's sharing some hot gossip.

This bluff has been featured many times on this blog. Here it is in spring.

Coming in for a landing!

I didn't have Irish class today, since my classmates were all at that intensive Irish weekend, and I forgot about the family Zoom call. Oops! Travalon and I went to the Arboretum to see (and even more importantly, to smell) the blooming crabapples.

After that, we went to the Nau-Ti-Gal for dinner and sat outside, facing the river. We saw some kayakers go by. Tonight I had my first condo board meeting, and it wasn't too painful. Hopefully this doesn't become a giant time suck, since I don't seem to have too much extra time. Or at least not enough to clean my house...

Famous Hat

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