Friday, September 3, 2021

Irish Enough for the Shamrock Club?


Travalon and I have joined the Shamrock Club, which is a local club for people interested in all things Irish. Since we are new members, they asked us some questions, I guess to get our Irish bona fides. The first question was whether either of us has Irish heritage, and of course I can "prove" it with several genetics tests that say the biggest chunk of my genes come from the south and west of Ireland, and Travalon took a genetic test that said he is a tiny bit Irish as well. The second question was whether we had been to Ireland, and Travalon actually had even before he knew me, and then of course we saw a great deal of the country on our honeymoon. The third question was about what Irish writers or aspects of the culture we were into, and for me that's a no-brainer: my faithful readers know how many years I have labored to learn the Irish language. Then they asked a general question about what other things we like to do, and I won't bore my readers with that since you know we are bird paparazzi who like to go antiquing, and that I am into blacklight and rosaries. (I didn't actually tell them that.) Finally, they asked if we had a photo of ourselves in Ireland, so I found this one, which I may or may not have shared on the blog:

I don't think this is the most flattering photo of me, but I certainly do look Irish. For some reason my hair even looks red, and I have one of those cable-knit sweaters on that they sell there. And of course you can clearly see that I have the sort of complexion where I could get a moon burn. Then behind us you can see the famous Cliffs of Moher. Think we'll pass muster with the Shamrock Club?

Famous Hat

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