Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Just Calling It Like I See It


What is this trend now of saying it's wrong for people to criticize you for what you are doing wrong? For example, a Supreme Court judge was speaking at a very partisan event, which would have been unthinkable a generation ago, and she bemoaned the fact that people consider the justices partisan. Right there while she was BEING partisan! Or in a state that recently enacted draconian new voting regulations specifically meant to keep people of color from voting, the leader of the state legislature asked that the other legislators refrain from using the term "racism" in their arguments against the bill. Apparently nowadays it's okay to be as evil as you can, but it's beyond the pale for anyone to call you on it. I have a simple solution for these folks: if you don't want to be called something bad, don't act like it. If you don't want to be called "partisan," don't be partisan. If you don't want to be called "racist," don't be racist. Try it and see! Even Chivington, who swore he didn't do anything wrong at the Sand Creek Massacre, had the decency to drop out of a political race when his opponents brought it up, instead of saying that was a low blow, and he is about the worst person who ever existed. How is it an insult when it's just the truth?

Weird that you can't find astrology stuff at the malls, because it's going strong on State Street. I know of at least three shops selling jewelry, soap, and other stuff for each sign, and now the bubble tea place is getting in on the action. As I walked from work to Adoration today, I saw they had a sign outside recommending a flavor of bubble tea for each zodiac sign. The one for Capricorn was lychee and raspberry, which seemed like a weird combination. Instead, I went to the Globe and got their Tibetan dumplings. Those things are addictive! I'm not sure why I love their sauce when I hate barbecue sauce, but it's a tomato and ginger and sesame sauce, so different enough that I love it instead of hating it.

As promised, here are Travalon's photos from Holy Hill:

It is a gorgeous shrine in a gorgeous setting. I hope to get there myself soon, maybe next month. We are doing the Ice Age Trail Challenge again this October, and last year tons of people posted photos of the section of the trail by Holy Hill because it's breathtaking with the leaves all colorful. We may just have to do that section for the challenge this year.

Famous Hat

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