Monday, December 27, 2021

Duck Party


I don't have much to blog about today. I had a dentist appointment scheduled at 10:30 this morning, but they called and asked if I could come in at 9:40 and I said yes before thinking it through. Then I rushed to get ready and got there at exactly 9:40, but on the plus side I had a lot of time this morning to go for a walk with Travalon, since I wasn't scheduled to work until one. Travalon was also working from home and also not starting until one, so we walked to a spot in our neighborhood where we could see the tundra swans in the distance. I could hear them very clearly, and see them flying around, but they weren't close enough for Travalon to get a photo. He took a photo of this duck party instead.

Look who's coming to the party - two ducks that look like mallards, only they're black. There is a kind of duck called a black duck, so maybe that's what these are.

And this is a photo of the pond at Mill Bluff State Park that I didn't put on the post a few days ago. I'm not sure why - it's a good photo.

From the Lakeshore Path I have seen some buffleheads in the last couple of weeks, but none are in our neighborhood right now. Of course, the water in the river is mostly frozen over, so there's nowhere for them to swim right off our dock. We also saw some terns yesterday from Jackson's Landing, in the channel out to Lake Mendota, but they're hard to photograph. They never sit still.

Famous Hat

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