Tuesday, August 9, 2022

My Hat Is Still Famous


Today did not start out promisingly. I woke up with a splitting headache, and Travalon did too, but later I realized it was because we still had the windows closed from when we had the air conditioning on. With neither fresh air nor air conditioning, we had no air coming into the room! Then I spilled my cereal all over my nightgown, but at least it was laundry day. I worked from home today, and right away I found out about a task that was supposed to have been done yesterday. This was a thing my boss used to do back when I had a boss, so nobody must have thought to tell me it needed to be done. Also, someone had said they had fixed the scholarships I was preparing for the fall semester that I had somehow messed up, but instead they seem to have disappeared. So that's even more messed up.

Just when I thought the day would be all rotten, I got the email they send to the whole university every Tuesday and Thursday about various things going on around campus. The top story was about the new Chancellor, and wouldn't you know, right there at the top of the email was a photo of me listening to the Chancellor at the garden party. Only you couldn't really see my face, but you could see my hat, and everyone knows my hat. It's not the original Famous Hat but a hat that one of my neighbors gave another one, who didn't really like it so she gave it to me after the first neighbor had moved to Florida. (So a second-hand gift rather than a third-hand one like the original Famous Hat.) I like it - it's a white straw hat, and I put the Hat Family Tartan blossom on it. My coworker said she saw my hat in the photo, and then when I was at Adoration this evening, Jilly Moose's housemate was sitting behind me, and she tapped my shoulder and showed me the photo. So yes, everyone on campus (if they bother reading the email) has seen my hat hobnobbing with the Chancellor, and lots of them know it's my hat. So now I have a Famous Hat the Second.

Famous Hat 

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