Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Tennis Partners: Famous Hat or the Fence?


Tonight Travalon and I "sported" for 23 minutes, per my FitBit. We played tennis, but I was terrible - I kept hitting the ball into the net! And then not once but twice Travalon got into this zone where he was playing alone, hitting the ball off the fence over and over until I reminded him that I wanted to play too. But can you blame him? The fence was better at returning the ball to him than I was. Our neighbor came by and watched us for a bit, and she said she should get a tennis racquet so she could join us. My tennis racquet, which was state of the art in 1987, has a cover, and Travalon calls it my "racquet jacket." His doesn't have a cover, and I feel like there's another one in the garage, and somewhere there must be my old racquet, because the one I have is actually Ma Hat's racquet, from back when we got matching ones in 1987. I had dreams of playing tennis constantly, and I would find a tennis partner now and then, but she would move away or have a baby or just decide that I sucked too much. Then along came Travalon, and he's the perfect tennis partner... except when he's playing with the fence. I should have found him years earlier - think of all the tennis I missed playing!

My plants seem for the most part to be pretty miserable lately. I took in someone's unwanted plants that must have had bugs, and now almost all my plants have bugs. (Except for my work plants, which are really happy... for now.) I think they are missing going out on the balcony at my old condo every summer, and they are slowly dwindling away. The papyrus plant I brought back from New Orleans fourteen years ago now seems to be completely dead. But one bright spot: a bromeliad looks like it's going to bloom again! It was one we gave to Travalon's mom when it was in full bloom, and then when she had to leave her nice apartment for her little room, we brought it home. It was very pretty when it was in bloom at the time we bought it, so hopefully it's just as pretty this time. I'll try to post a photo if it does bloom.

Famous Hat

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