Wednesday, October 12, 2022

At Last, the Curder Burger!


My readers may remember my post from last year about the Curder Burger, which started as an April Fool's joke about a giant fried cheese curd on a Culver's Burger. People loved the idea so much that they begged Culver's to actually do it, and then in October last year, for National Cheese Curd Day, Culver's did sell Curder Burgers. As my regular readers may remember, Travalon got in line very early, but they ran out of Curder Burgers one person before him, so they gave him a consolation Curdis, a stuffed cheese curd with arms, legs, and glasses. He was so cute that I wasn't even that disappointed, because a Curder Burger is for a few minutes, but a stuffy is forever, or at least for quite awhile. (Nothing is really forever, since the sun will swallow us all up in a few billion years.) However, I was still curious about the Curder Burger, so when Culver's announced they would release them again today, but that there would be a lot more of them, I begged Travalon to pick a couple up on his way home from work. I got my hair cut right after work and was thinking maybe I should have offered to pick them up, but if Travalon got home a lot later than I did, the burgers would be cold. Anyway, it worked out perfectly - Travalon came home with two juicy Curder Burgers, and the big cheese curd patty on top of the grilled burger was so delicious. If you are wondering if it was a white curd or a yellow curd, the answer seems to be a mix of both. Yum! So worth the wait!

Famous Hat

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