Friday, October 15, 2021

Consolation Curdis


On April Fool's Day, Culver's said they were releasing a "curder burger," which had a cheese curd patty on top of the burger. People begged them to make this a reality, so today they had a limited release of the actual Curder Burger for National Cheese Curd Day. While I was working from home, Travalon went to Culver's very early, but not quite early enough, because they sold their last Curder Burger just before he got to the head of the line. Bummer, but they did give him a consolation prize - a little stuffed cheese curd with arms and legs and, for some reason, glasses. Apparently cheese curds have myopia.

For some reason I found this thing adorable (as Travalon pointed out, it looks a little like a Minion), and I was cuddling it all day. It kind of seems like a better deal than the Curder Burger anyway - I mean, you eat that and it's gone, but the little stuffy is forever, or something close to it. I noticed its tag said "Curdis," and Travalon said, "It's a consolation Curdis." At Night Prayer Rich said something funny about Curdis too, but now I can't remember. Maybe he can put it in the comments.

Rich and I worked out, as we often do on Friday afternoons when I can't think of a good excuse to get out of it, and once again teenage boys were hogging a certain machine. This time they weren't even on it, and I went on it, but they informed me, "We were using that!" Since they most certainly had not been using it, I informed them that I would be done quickly. What's up with these young guys thinking they own certain machines? I ran into that the last time we did the circuit machines. There's a reason they call them the circuit - you're supposed to use one, get done expeditiously, and move on to the next one. You aren't supposed to hog one particular machine - that can be done down in the "meathead" weight room, where they always play classic rock.

Then this evening Travalon and I went to Camp Beef Butter BBQ, which in this colder weather is in a tent right outside the restaurant. We each got the fish fry, then we sat listening to the band, a blues band consisting of "Old Black Joe" singing and playing the guitar, a young white guy playing the bass, and a Boomer-aged white woman playing percussion. We were the only ones there at first, and the woman handed me a tambourine, so I gamely played with them. It was so much fun, and I was really getting into it. Soon more people had joined, including a group with two school-aged kids, so she gave them percussion instruments too, another tambourine and a shaker, and she gave Travalon a cowbell. Oh man, was that ever fun! I'm a string player first and foremost, but I won't lie - playing Latin drums in a salsa band has always been a dream of mine, and a tambourine is closer to that than a mandolin is.

We keep seeing this cute little woodpecker right outside our window.

It may be the same one that was pecking right outside our kitchen window one day. I was home alone, working, and I heard a knocking in the kitchen. I thought, "Who could that be?" but when I went into the kitchen and saw this little guy pecking at the frame of our window, I laughed and said, "I ain't even mad!" He's just too cute!

Famous Hat

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