Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Cardinary Moment Five Years Ago


Today I worked on campus, and I had a surprising amount of work considering that nobody was around. I did see a lovely sunset from the dirty office windows.

Travalon had the day off of work, so he met up with a high school buddy, and they went to the Dells and to an antiques mall that he and I have gone to several times. Look what he found.

Here are some other photos I am finally getting around to posting. This is Travalon's koala bear Ricky that he got because the A's are leaving Oakland.

This is the shirt I got at the Celtic Christmas Market. It says "Happy Christmas to you" in Irish.

And these are the earrings I got at the same market.

And I never posted a photo of this octopus we got at the grocery co-op.

It was made by artisans in Kyrgyzstan.

Sometimes it feels like five years ago, when Travalon and I went to Eau Claire to hear a choir perform the piece set to a poem I wrote, was a cardinary moment in my life. (For more on that word, check older posts on my blog - just search the term "cardinary.") It felt so magic, and everything since then has felt magic - in fact, this year has been so wondrous ever since the start of the Year of the Dragon that I was thinking of writing a book called My Wondrous Year of the Dragon. Is the magic over? Was it only meant to last five years? 

I am just waiting for the "Let's Go, Brandon!" crowd to start going on and on about how we have to respect the president even if we don't agree with him in 3...2...1... It was rather disheartening when Travalon and I found "Let's Go, Brandon!" stickers in our old church. Considering that the phrase is a cover for a vulgar one, it seems really wrong to find it in a church, but it did confirm my suspicions that our old church has fallen to the far right crowd. We are definitely better off at the church on the far east side. I keep seeing articles about how we all have to come together and put our differences aside, but how can a person even have a conversation with someone who only believes lies? I am curious about how the Right Wing Lie Machine will twist every failure of the incoming president to say it is somehow the fault of the Left, even though the Left currently has no political power. No, there is nothing to discuss with these people. There is no common ground when they don't even acknowledge objective reality. 

Famous Hat

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