Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Some Stuffies


It was a quiet day of working from home, but I do have some photos to share. First, the pillow and a tiny bear that we got at the Celtic Christmas Market:

Sorry, I forgot to take a photo of the shirt and earrings I got there, so maybe that will be tomorrow's post. Then I don't think I ever posted a photo of the red panda Travalon got up north. She has a very, very long tail, so he named her Talia.

Lastly, this is a teddy bear that used to belong to my neighbor's mother, so it is probably really old. It has a music box inside of it that plays "The Teddy Bears' Picnic," and my neighbor was impressed that I knew the song, so she gave me the bear.

She was getting rid of things left and right before she moved, so she also gave me a bowed psaltry. It's missing some strings, but it does have a very cute little bow, and it seems easier to play than the sitar, which I may never figure out. If I can ever afford to retire, maybe I'll learn to play it.

Famous Hat

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