Saturday, November 6, 2010

Foundations of Mormonism: Holy Underwear

So I was telling my peeps about the Flow Chart to Choose a Religion (which can be found here), and Kathbert, Anna Banana II, and I all found out, after all these years of being either Catholic or Lutheran, that in fact we should be Moslem.  Rich, of course, turned out Regular Christian.  (There is no breakdown on this flow chart between Catholic and Protestant.)  Mad props to A-Joz for introducing me to this flow chart.  That much of the story might be vaguely amusing, but Kathbert was curious about the "magic underwear" path, and so we spent a great deal of time last night researching Mormon undergarments on the internet.  

I would like to let my 5.6 faithful readers know that, according to the first website we consulted, there is an enormous problem out there with websites disseminating erroneous information about Mormon underwear.  (This is according to, and I am not making this site up.)  Who knew that underwear misinformation was such a huge social issue on the World Wide Web?  We found stories about the undergarments and flatulence written by ex-Mormons, and some truly hilarious videos on YouTube, including one of a guy shooting a set of undergarments and another of some Australian guy buying a set and modeling them.  All I can say about this is:  Holy Underwear, Batman!

Actually, as a Catholic (and yes, I am still a Catholic, even after finding out I should be a Moslem), my underwear motto must be in Latin:  Semper ubi sub ubi.

(Thanks to Kathbert and Rich for contributions to the title and content of this post.)

Famous Hat


Toque McToque said...

Did you happen to look at the "picture of the day" on the link?? Excellent.

Famous Hat said...

The day I did it was a Buzz Lightyear cup with a very badly placed straw. Today it looked like it was a couple of girls in very short skirts pushing a motorcycle.

WV: lyzed - when you are half analyzed.

Hardingfele and Plysj said...

I am trying to think of a work safe way to figure out how to get to Mormon underwear website. Intriguing as Data would say

Famous Hat said...

Just look at home, duh.